Greetings Church
I trust you are all keeping well and continuing to walk closely with Jesus! There are 2 things I want to bring you attention today.
1. Habits For Growth Course starting on Sunday
The goal of this course is the same goal that Epaphras had for the Colossian Christians. He said in Colossians 4:12, “That you may become mature Christians and that you may fulfil God’s will for you.” That’s what God wants us to do. It is God’s will that you grow up. In the 5 weeks of this course we will focus on five basic habits that every Christian needs to develop (time in God’s word, prayer, service, fellowship, stewardship, honouring God with my giving) in order to grow to spiritual maturity.
This course will be held on Sunday evenings using Zoom, and this means you can be sure that each session won’t be longer than 40 minutes. It’s free! And I know it will be of benefit to you! So please let Maggie know at if you would like to join us.
2. Important Survey
These last 5 months have been unprecedented and unplanned and we have had to adapt our church life to online services. We are having to constantly evaluate things in order to serve you all well. So, please could I ask EVERYONE to take 1 minute (right now!!!!) to fill out the survey in the link below that relates to the streaming of our services and our meeting together. We would really value your feedback.
Click on this link now –
Grace and peace to you all!