Dear City Hill Church,
As an eldership we have been wrestling and praying through how we ought to respond to this time of crisis as our lives and church are being radically affected by the Coronavirus. Our heart is to be a people of faith and hope in this time of crisis and at the same time be uncompromising in our love for one another and obedient to God-given civil authority.
With this in mind, we have made the decision to offer the following worship opportunities:
1. Remote Worship
This option is our primary recommendation. We will provide a link for a live video feed which will enable everyone to connect with the service at the normal meeting time of 10:00. Further details to follow by end of day tomorrow.
There are two ways in which to connect remotely:
- At home alone or with your family:
This option is for those choosing to put strict measures of isolation in place, or for those simply unable to get out. We strongly advise those who would be considered high risk to choose this option.
UPDATE: More info on the live streaming available here
- In small groups:
This option is for those (‘non-high-risk’ members) who may be uncomfortable with larger gatherings but would like to maintain a level of corporate fellowship. You can meet with your Connect group and/or friends, but please avoid moving between different groups. If you choose this option, please note the following:
- Keep the numbers below 20 (including kids).
- Practice “ssocial distancing”
- Adopt strong hygiene practices (see precautions below)
2. Cedar Place Service
We will still have a physical meeting at Cedar Place for two main reasons:
- To facilitate live-streaming (worship, notices and sermon)
- To maintain a visible presence for those seeking a church in these troubled times
The following precautions will be adopted:
- Those in high risk groups should not attend but rather use the remote option.
- Increased sanitation of the church facilities will be performed before the meeting.
- Hand sanitizer will be available; its use is highly encouraged both when you enter exit.
- Food and beverage will no longer be offered.
- Social distancing is the new norm – physical contact in any way is prohibited.
- Greater distance will be made between chairs.
- Children ministry (EDGE) is on hold indefinitely.
- Service time will be shortened.
- We will strive to limit attendance to no more than 60 people in amplified compliance with the government of South Africa’s mandate that gatherings must not exceed 100 people.
During this difficult time, as you are able and as God blesses you with income, please remember to remain faithful in tithes and offerings – firstly because this is the best way to express faith in God’s ongoing provision for you and your family in these challenging times, and secondly because even with a ‘remote’ approach to church, our expenses remain unchanged. Moreover, please pray for the church family and its leaders. God remains fully sovereign and in control.
We will continue to monitor the situation and adapt our strategy accordingly. Please feel free to communicate any information that you feel may be relevant in this regard directly to me.
Finally, please know that the Elders and other church leaders want to support you in this time. If you have need for any form of support, or just need someone to talk with, please reach out to me and I’ll do my best to facilitate contact with the best person to assist.
We are looking forward to hearing what God is doing in your lives as you live in hope and others see it!
All our love!
(on behalf of the Elders)