We’ve heard it said that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a ‘Gospel of Grace’ – and quite often people talk about the ‘Grace of God’; but what does that actually mean? You see, for some people grace means that God isn’t too bothered with sin and that we can live how we like as long as we believe in Jesus. For others, the gospel is quite the opposite; it means that we have to behave in a certain way in order to either be accepted by God or to stay accepted by God.
In the first eight chapters of Romans, Paul explains exactly what grace is and what it isn’t. Borrowing key concepts from the legal and accounting worlds, he masterfully teaches his Jewish and Gentile hearers – all the while anticipating their objections and questions.
In this four part series, we’re going to ‘sit in’ as it where, on Paul’s masterclass on grace. Prepare to be surprised and challenged; but most of all, completely overwhelmed by what is surely the greatest scandal in all human history – the scandal of the Grace of God!